This version is out of date, covering development from v7.0.0 to v7.5.6. It is maintained here only for inbound reference links from elsewhere. It is no longer actively updated.

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tab tag

The tab tag is used to define a tab used within a (document) window.

<tab selected="0" viewType="2" usingCheckboxes="0" showColumns="0" columnString="" scale="32" ID="3471499743" scrollX="134" scrollY="37" selection="3471499801 " expanded="3471499748 " textTab="1" attribute="" sortAttribute="" container="" query="" queryLabel="" action="" actionLabel="" summaryAttribute="" summaryMethod="" splitRatio="0.5" treemapExpression="" treemapColorExpression="" treemapBorderColorExpression="" treemapColorStart="#fffef9100" treemapColorEnd="#ccd5bf100" />

selected. Selection state of the tab. A value of 1 indicated the tab is selected. All other tabs have a value of 0.

viewType. The view pane's current view type:

usingCheckboxes. A value of 1 is set if checkbox display is enabled, otherwise the value is 0.

showColumns. A value of 1 is set if outline column display is enabled, otherwise the value is 0. Note that the value is still 0 if an Attribute Browser uses column view.

columnString. A string list of displayed values. Default is an empty string "". There are different styles of storing data for Outline vs Attribute Browser views:

scale. The zoom state of the view. Default value is 32. Zoomed in (larger text) views have higher values, zoomed out views a smaller value.

ID. The $ID of the root item for the view.

Creator. A string. the name of the user when creating the view.

type. The view type:

scrollX / scrollY. The scroll position in X and Y axes of the view. Units of value unknown.

selection. The $ID number(s) of the selected item(s) as a space-delimited list.

expanded. Used by Outline and Chart. A space-delimited list of $IDs in scope in the view that are expanded.

textTab. The currently selected tab in the text pane. The default is 0 (text). Other values 1 (HTML) and 2 (preview).

attribute. Attribute Browser view only - the selected attribute for review.

sortAttribute. Attribute Browser view only - the selected attribute for sorting the view.

container. Attribute Browser view only - the path value for the optional scoping container. Default value "".

query. Attribute Browser view only - the optional query code applied by the query. Default value "".

queryLabel. Attribute Browser view only - the text label for the query. Default value "".

action. Attribute Browser view only - the optional action code applied by the query. Default value "".

actionLabel. Attribute Browser view only - the text label for the action. Default value "".

summaryAttribute. Attribute Browser view only - the name of the attribute used to summarise each value.

summaryMethod. Attribute Browser view only - the text value of the selected summary type.

splitRatio. The current split ratio of the view and text panes. Default is 0.5, each pane using 50% of the window. A value of 1.0 equates to all text pane, a value of 0 to all View pane..

treemapExpression. Treemap only. Expression used for mapping item area. Default value is "".

treemapColorExpression. Treemap only. Expression used for item fill colour value. Default value is "".

treemapBorderColorExpression. Treemap only. Expression used for item border colour value. Default value is "".

treemapColorStart. Treemap only. Shading start colour. Default value: #fffef9100".

treemapColorEnd. Treemap only. Shading end colour. Default value: "#ccd5bf100".