Tinderbox v10 Icon

Prototype: Action


This marks the note as holding action code, as opposed to other types of code. Its primary intended use is for support of internal stamp notes and functions. The most obvious use is its auto-application to child notes of the built-in Hints containers 'Stamps' and 'Library' sub-containers. (It may also be given to notes used to store functions outside the Library but this is a not generally recommended purpose.)

Based on the Code prototype, this also sets $IsAction for a note, enabling Tinderbox to offer auto-complete for action code operators and syntax colouring of code. Note this highlighting latter does not use the general syntax highlighting methods but uses a separate in-app colouring previously reserved for code input boxes.

So this uses broadly the same settings as the Code prototypes except that $IsAction is set to true. Use for things like storing long actions such as deeply nested if() statements, or for command line code for use with runCommand().

For notes using this prototype and which with be exported, e.g. CSS code, boilerplate text, the prototype-inherited default for $HTMLDontExport (as seen below) should be reversed locally in the code note itself.

This prototype's non-default customisations other than $IsPrototype, $Name, and intrinsic map features (height, width, etc.) are listed below.

$Badge: "design".

$Color: "lightest black".

$OnAdd: $NeverComposite=true;

$IsAction: true (ticked).

$HTMLDontExport: true (ticked).

$HTMLFirstParagraphEnd: "" (empty string).

$HTMLFirstParagraphStart: "" (empty string).

$HTMLIndentedParagraphEnd: "" (empty string).

$HTMLIndentedParagraphStart: "" (empty string).

$HTMLParagraphEnd: "" (empty string).

$HTMLParagraphStart: "" (empty string).

$NoSpelling: true (ticked).

$SmartLinks: false (un-ticked). Prototypes in old TBXs need updating manually.

$SmartQuotes: false (un-ticked).

$ParagraphSpacing: 0.

$Tabs: "0.375;0.375;0.375;0.375;0.375;0.375;0.375;0.375;".

$TextFont: "Andale Mono".

$Ziplinks: false (un-ticked).

See also—notes linking to here: