A sequence of characters, most often as words and sentences. If no default value is specified, a String type defaults to an empty string.
Strings are not delimited (i.e. quotes are not required).
The set and action data types effectively special forms of the string data type.
Default/Empty value
An empty string.
Sorting order
Ascending order using literal string value in lexical sort order.
String-type System Attributes
Built-in attributes of the string data type are listed below:
- $Abstract
- $AccessDate
- $Address
- $AgentQuery
- $ArticleTitle
- $Author2
- $Author3
- $Author4
- $Badge
- $BookTitle
- $BorderBevel
- $CallNumber
- $Caption
- $CaptionAlignment
- $ChosenWord
- $City
- $CleanupAction
- $Container
- $Country
- $CreatedFrom
- $Creator
- $DEVONthinkGroup
- $DEVONthinkLabel
- $DisplayedAttributesDateFormat
- $DisplayName
- $District
- $DOI
- $DominantLanguage
- $Edition
- $EmailSubject
- $EmailTemplate
- $EvernoteNotebook
- $FormattedAddress
- $FullName
- $GeocodedAddress
- $HTMLBoldEnd
- $HTMLBoldStart
- $HTMLCloud1End
- $HTMLCloud1Start
- $HTMLCloud2End
- $HTMLCloud2Start
- $HTMLCloud3End
- $HTMLCloud3Start
- $HTMLCloud4End
- $HTMLCloud4Start
- $HTMLCloud5End
- $HTMLCloud5Start
- $HTMLCodeEnd
- $HTMLCodeStart
- $HTMLExportAfter
- $HTMLExportBefore
- $HTMLExportCommand
- $HTMLExportExtension
- $HTMLExportFileName
- $HTMLExportFileNameSpacer
- $HTMLExportPath
- $HTMLExportTemplate
- $HTMLFirstParagraphEnd
- $HTMLFirstParagraphStart
- $HTMLImageEnd
- $HTMLImageStart
- $HTMLIndentedParagraphEnd
- $HTMLIndentedParagraphStart
- $HTMLItalicEnd
- $HTMLItalicStart
- $HTMLLinkExtension
- $HTMLListEnd
- $HTMLListItemEnd
- $HTMLListItemStart
- $HTMLListStart
- $HTMLOrderedListEnd
- $HTMLOrderedListItemEnd
- $HTMLOrderedListItemStart
- $HTMLOrderedListStart
- $HTMLParagraphEnd
- $HTMLParagraphStart
- $HTMLPreviewCommand
- $HTMLStrikeEnd
- $HTMLStrikeStart
- $HTMLSubscriptEnd
- $HTMLSubscriptStart
- $HTMLSuperscriptEnd
- $HTMLSuperscriptStart
- $HTMLUnderlineEnd
- $HTMLUnderlineStart
- $IDString
- $Issue
- $Journal
- $KeyAttributeDateFormat
- $LeftMargin
- $MapBackgroundFill
- $MapBackgroundPattern
- $mt_convert_breaks
- $mt_keywords
- $MyString
- $Name
- $NameAlignment
- $NameVerticalAlignment
- $NotesFolder
- $NotesID
- $NoteURL
- $Organization
- $Pages
- $Path
- $Pattern
- $PostalCode
- $PosterCSS
- $PosterSettings
- $PosterTemplate
- $Prototype
- $PublicationCity
- $PublicationYear
- $Publisher
- $RawData
- $ReferenceRIS
- $ReferenceTitle
- $RefFormat
- $RefType
- $RightMargin
- $Role
- $ScrivenerID
- $ScrivenerLabel
- $ScrivenerNote
- $ScrivenerStatus
- $ScrivenerType
- $Shape
- $SimplenoteKey
- $Sort
- $SortAlso
- $SortAlsoTransform
- $SortTransform
- $State
- $Subtitle
- $SyntaxHighlighting
- $TableHeading
- $Tabs
- $Telephone
- $Text
- $TextAlign
- $TextExportTemplate
- $TimelineEndAttribute
- $TimelineStartAttribute
- $Volume
- $WeblogPostID
See also—notes linking to here: