Tinderbox v10 Icon


Operator Type: 

Operator Scope of Action: 

Operator Purpose: 

Data Type Returned: 

Operator First Added: 

Operator in Current Baseline: 

Operator Last Altered: 

 Function  [other Function type actions]

 Item  [operators of similar scope]

 Formatting  [other Formatting operators]

 String [about String data type]



 As at baseline


For a List- or Set-type list, returns the list as a String, with formatStr inserted between each discrete list element (so not after the last item. The process preserves original data; duplicate values in lists are maintained. For example:

$MyString = $DisplayedAttributes.format(", "); 

converts Displayed Attributes to a comma+space-separated list. To put each item on a separate line use this:

$MyString = $DisplayedAttributes.format("\n"); 

Doing the same for HTML export, you might want the rendered text to have each value on a new line so use:

$MyString = $DisplayedAttributes.format("<br>"); 

Thus $Text may be created from concatenation of other texts:

$Text = (collect(children, $Text)).format("\n"); 

Optionally, you may supply four arguments to format the list or set as an HTML list:

$MyString = list.format("listPrefix","itemPrefix","itemSuffix","listSuffix"); 

For example:

$MyString = $Classes.format("<ul>","<li>","</li>","</ul>"); 

will return HTML code for a bulleted list with each set member marked up as a list item. Note that the tags must be in double quotes. To have each element on a separate line and indent the items add tabs and line breaks:

$MyString = $Classes.format("<ul>\n","\t<li>","</li>\n","</ul>\n"); 

To make this easier to use in a code export context, you might pass the output of format into another attribute and call the latter within the template with a ^value()^ code. By a repeated use of format it is possible to export lists of links.

Other form of list-to-string join

In some data export contexts, tit may be necessary to add a join string while generating a string from an iterated list. See adding joins in loops.

Similar functions

This supplements the existing format() function.

See also—notes linking to here: